Drinkable Water on Earth?
Water is the basis of all life
The sufficient care with Drinking water of high-quality puts hence the worldwide basic supply task of the future represents .700 million people in the world have none Access to clean water. Often there is a lack of developed ones Wells , water pipes , water storage tanks as treatment plants for drinking water . To comes the countless people, water out open Spring or water holes scoop must who to Part contaminated are. About the germs in this can diarrheal diseases such as cholera, dysentery, typhoid or polio become . Die like this due to contaminated water and bad hygiene conditions each year 1 million people. The Access is on water a human right . Without water can a human not survive .
The right to " impeccable and clean Drinking water and sanitation " is a human right . This was stated by the General Assembly of the United Nations on June 28 , 2010. It was " indispensable for the full enjoyment of life and all Human rights , " says the resolution, the 122 states agreed in the summer of 2010 . 41 countries included himself .
Water Handling
The carefree Handling with to the precious water aggravates the situation. water pipes are often porous , common will costly in waterworks treated water at Use in industrial Processes so heavily contaminated that the natural given circulatory function disturbed will , sources unusable become and only still inedible brackish water deliver . Another more important reason for himself aggravating defect is the climate change that with missing precipitation and yourself spreading desertification unmissable Sign sets.
Planning a Water system
We to have us since many years with the issue of drinking water supply busy and would gladly ours contribution there to want to afford! united with our partners search we for you one customized solution yours claims just will.
In obtaining drinking water from the air -/ sea-/ river or Spring waiting we with Specialist knowledge -/ conception -/ planning and implementation.
History Water power system
The water supply belongs to man to the important one’s basics of cultural development. with the water supply over cables is not man more at locations tied, to those Drinking water on site in sufficient Crowd to the disposal stands. Already in worry ancient Rome aqueducts for the water supply . That nice back then engineer technical procedure applied were to water volumes to determine and the water on each recipient groups to distribute. The acquaintance Romans Sextus Julius Frontinus, the head of water supply under Emperor Nerve was for the city of Rome at that time the expertise of his time summarized by which some points to date validity have.
The various implementation Water power system
We want here once to attempt with Themes and images the various implementation options illustrated to represent one Insight into the complex water supply with Drinking water to get.
Humidity has huge potential , however how can I implement this and thus use ?
in the principle quite simply : the machine sucks Air a , filters out the moisture in it contain is and brings within a few minutes the tap for the running . liter for liter can the water then quite simple bottled become .
The following applies to the water machines: the wetter and hotter the environment , the greater the water yield . That predestines the machine just for use in Latin America , Southeast Asia or India , Africa
Watergen is the pioneering Israeli company that has become the global leader in the atmospheric drinking water devices (AWG) market, machines that create drinking water from the air.
Seawater desalination will with wind and solar too Drinking water
Around 80 percent all seawater desalination plants work after to the Principle of reverse osmosis, where electric operated Pump through the salty water cascaded chambers press, respectively through a semi- permeable (semi-permeable) membrane into a “saline” and a " cute " side Cut are.
The currently largest plant is in Dubai. The Jabal Ali Complex produced 2.1 million daily cubic meter drinking water . The needed one energy delivery a dozen tight standing together gas power plants with one Total output of 7200 megawatts. A total of win the Gulf States Every day around 20 million cubic meter Drinking water out the sea. Yet also in others countries will desalination plants always more important , so come like in Israel today already 75 percent of tap water out the sea. In a few years it should even be 100 percent .
Planning a Water power system from the lake and well
Drinking water out to the Fountains , lakes or out to the Flow will with different filter systems cleaned and the filling machines forwarded .